A Healthcare billing and service company that provides billing services to mental health providers

What we offer



Medical Billing

Charge Per Client

  • Submitting claims through electronic billing to ensure faster payout

  • Entering in individual claims in the beginning of the week to individual insurance

  • Communicate to providers the amount that was billed for each week

Poached Eggs with Skillet Toast
Cauliflower and Kale Soup

Reconciling and Researching

Current and Past Claims

  • Providing weekly logs explaining payment from each insurance

  • Researching any denied claims and resubmitting to get approved

  • Providing any weekly denials that the biller wasn’t able to correct.

Contracting and Credentialing

With All Major insurances

  • Work with providers in order to get a contract submitted to each insurance

  • Submit application and all processes in order to start the credentialing process with insurances